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College Guidance for Parents & Guardians


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Scoir is free for your students and for you. We also offer Advanced Solutions to help you better guide your students.

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Access resources in the areas of test prep, essay support, and financial aid to better navigate every part of the admissions process.


Scoir is Free for CBOs


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College and academic advising resources to guide and inspire college counselors.


Simplified Advising for Counselors


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District Solutions


We offer a flat 50% discount for each student who receives free or reduced lunch in your school or district.

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New! Middle Schools

Enjoy Career Readiness Early Access for grades 6-8, built to help you guide students and track progress in the early years of career learnings and activities.

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Career development (certifications, courses & curriculum) for changemakers.


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Enrollment Solutions for Colleges


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Our pricing is fair for schools of all sizes, transparent, and rewards those schools expanding access to underserved students.

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Check out content and practical guides to help inform your enrollment strategies and programs.


For Colleges

Solutions to Reach Purposeful Students

Improve your student recruitment, admissions marketing, and enrollment marketing strategy. We help your school engage students and make real connections on the Network where discovery, search, and planning for college happens.



Reimagine Enrollment Marketing

Reach and recruit college-bound students and their parents, guardians, counselors, and supporters in the same place. Colleges that used Scoir's enrollment marketing solutions increased their number of 2023 applicants from Scoir by 51%, admits by 75%, and enrollments by 68%.


students and all of their supporters

Premium presence → 


interested students and parents

Outreach messaging → 


best-fit students to build your class

Apply with Scoir → 


qualified students into applicants

Insights dashboard → 


Premium Presence

Own your presence on Scoir and expand your reach by getting accurate, relevant, and personalized content and events in front of new students and parents.

Colleges that upgrade to Premium Presence reach 2x more students than those who don't.

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Illustration of My College Matches in Scoir


Reach students and guardians outside of the noise of their email inbox. Send or schedule messages by interests, academic focus, high school, and more to engage with families earlier in the recruiting process. You can also reach those whose preferences and interests match your institution, helping you better convert suspects into prospects (with a much smaller price tag than name buys).

Followers who receive an outreach message are 3x more likely to submit an application.

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illustration of direct messages for students, from colleges

A New Way to Apply

Through an integration with Coalition for College and Slate by Technolutions, we created a next-gen application experience for students that expands access while also reducing the administrative burden for colleges. 55% more students applied with Scoir this year than last year!

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illustration of apply with Scoir with colleges on the lefthand side and progress bars on the right

Insights Dashboard

Access real-time analytics about your admissions funnel to gain insights about:

  • Your current audience

  • Audience growth over time

  • Student interests

  • Areas to expand your geographic footprint

  • ...and more!

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illustration of the college dashboard in Scoir with tables and graphs showing reach by class year, registered parents/guardians, those attending Title I schools, first-gen, and student interests

Managed Subscriptions

Ready to build intentional relationships with students and their supporters on the fastest growing college-management platform in the United States, but don't have the time for another platform? With Scoir Managed Subscriptions, our Engagement Strategists will develop, execute, and monitor your end-to-end, 12-month content and communications plan tailored to your institutional objectives.

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illustration of a red college on a hill

Enrollment Insights & Benchmark Report

Explore an in-depth examination of your institution's applicants, admissions, and enrollments, coupled with a comparison to your peer groups, through Scoir's latest Enrollment Insights and Benchmarking Report. Uncover information about the applicants, those who were accepted, the students who enrolled, the paths taken by those who didn't enroll, and the factors that played a role in shaping their decisions.

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illustration of person interacting with the Scoir CSM, dashboard, and outreach tools

On Slate?

Explore our expanded messaging integration to see how you can streamline your workflow.

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illustration of Slate and Scoir with link between them

Our Essential Solution at No Cost

We provide admission essentials to every college at no cost.

Did you know? Scoir discounts our college advising and document management platform for high schools where students receive free and reduced lunch or full-need scholarships.

Schedule high school visits

See which high schools have time blocked for college visits, schedule those visits off-campus or virtually, and connect with counselors.

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Receive app documents

Join the 1,800+ other colleges receiving application materials from high schools on Scoir via SFTP, a pre-configured Slate integration, or manual download.

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Request a Consultation or View Pricing

Want to learn more about our Advanced Solutions, how they can help you achieve better enrollment outcomes and recruit students, or how much Scoir costs?


Case Studies

Standing Out from the Noise - Engaging Early to Increase Yield with LSU

LSU was looking to break through the top of funnel noise and start engaging with prospective students.

Read the case to see their results →

Expand & Engage - Reaching Today's Student with Fairfield University

Fairfield University was looking for a way to expand their pool of prospective students by expanding their geographic reach.

Read the case to see their results →

Authentic Engagement with Data-Driven Insights with Bates College

Bates College was looking for an innovative way to engage students virtually and create personalized admissions experiences.

Read the case to see their results →

Premium Presence: A New Way to Recruit Students

Traditional recruitment doesn't cut it anymore. Learn about an incredible way to get ahead! This case study explores the impact of #Posts.

Read case study and guide →

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Admissions Professionals:

Start Your Journey with Scoir

Ready to get started connecting with students, families, and high school counselors now?

View our pricing.