For CBOs
Finally, a College Readiness Solution Just for CBOs
A free way to help students explore their talents, find their fit, and apply to college.

Work with students through every
part of the process.
Manage your time and conversations with ease
One centralized place for you to interact and plan with students.
Keep things moving with direct messages
Send students direct messages on the platform where they're doing all things college admissions.
Get organized with student notes
Document interactions with students to easily collaborate with other college advisors in your organization.
Quickly gauge student progress
The data you need to keep students, parents/guardians, and fellow college advisors informed and on track, right at your fingertips.

Review student profiles
Get a snapshot of each student or dive deeper into their personal details, academics, activities, achievements, college preferences, career profile, and more.
Ensure balanced lists
With My Colleges, students organize their college lists in different swim lanes: Suggested, Following, Applying, and Applied. The best part? You'll have access to My Colleges, too, and can nudge as needed.
Guide with impact
Spend less time on administration and more time helping students who need you the most.
Built-in college and career discovery
Students can take the PrinciplesYou Character Assessment, a career interest assessment, and the College Match Quiz. Based on what they share, Scoir will help them find colleges and careers that meet their criteria. Students can also take advantage of predefined searches to jumpstart the discovery process.
Simple college suggestions
Armed with insight from students' My Colleges lists, make college suggestions to just one student or many.
College Readiness Curriculum
Complete with 55 lesson plans and activities, our ASCA-compliant curriculum is designed to be used in tandem with Scoir as you guide your grade 9-12 students.
Help Students Apply Without the Stress
Students can apply to 140+ colleges with Scoir!
Seamlessly transition students from discovery to application
Using their profiles already on file, students can apply to multiple colleges at once, right on Scoir. Just look for the lightning bolt!

Scoir is free for students and the CBOs who work with them.
We don't just believe in access. We make good on it.
What You Can Expect
Direct Messages
Simple College Suggestions
Responsive Support & Dedicated Customer Success
Student Profiles & Preferences
Career Assessments
Student & Parent/Guardian Mobile Apps
Seamless Application Experience
Access to the platform has allowed our team a greater sense of confidence and a resource to engage with our students in different ways. Rather than being on the outside of the process, we’re now connected in the same space where many of our students are already working with their school counselors.
As an organization dedicated to breaking down stubborn barriers to access that have held back first-generation students of color for far too long, The Opportunity Network sees Scoir’s platform as a crucial puzzle piece in the education justice landscape. The fact that young people can utilize Scoir as a one-stop shop from the beginning of the college exploration process all the way to application submission means fewer obstacles between students and a thriving college experience. What's more, the intention in bringing all stakeholders into this process, into this platform—not just as observers, but as collaborators— is a new and welcome change for CBOs like OppNet working outside of the formal school system. Our students already have so many competing demands and deadlines, not to mention logins. With Scoir and the Coalition for College working to minimize the noise and centralize online support, students and CBOs can have more room to focus on breaking through higher education barriers and working towards a future where every student everywhere has the opportunity to build the life they deserve.
Take the Next Step
Ready to help your students with college and career readiness with Scoir?