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College Guidance for Parents & Guardians


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The Scoir Employee Handbook


Welcome to Scoir!

Higher education is the primary gateway to expand opportunities for advancement. Unfortunately, far too many people fail to realize those opportunities because the pathways to higher education are overly complex. Only half of high school graduates pursue a four-year degree and barely 2-in-3 earn a diploma. As a society, we can and must reduce this opportunity inequality.

If you have any people-related questions, please contact Kelly O’Brien, Manager of People and Culture, at kobrien@scoir.com.


Scoir was created to help high school and college students:

  • Understand their unique talents, strengths, and capabilities

  • Identify opportunities to best apply these attributes

  • Navigate the various pathways to realize those opportunities


A world where people recognize, understand, and appreciate innate attributes, unique personalities, and special talents in themselves and others.


1. Own the student relationship

2. Gather and interrogate data

3. Provide actionable, data-driven services not available anywhere else


Our Expectations (Six Guiding Principles)

Our six principles guide how we expect all team members to act and treat one another. While at Scoir, we expect you to be:

If you have any people-related questions, please contact Kelly O’Brien, Manager of People and Culture, at kobrien@scoir.com.


Creativity and innovation is not a right, but an obligation of all. We’re creating something new. Crazy ideas and alternative perspectives foster ingenuity. We try many new things (some big, some small) and fail often, but learn and improve with each.


Positivity and enthusiasm are natural byproducts of pursuing our passions, and they are infectious. We act with urgency and precision because we believe deeply in our undertaking.


We succeed and fail as a team; we do not indulge prima donnas. A group loyal to each other accomplishes more than any collection of individuals.


We share openly and honestly because we trust and respect one another. Constructive criticism is more valuable than affirmation when the goal is perpetual improvement.


Incremental change does not yield substantive improvement. To fundamentally disrupt the status quo, we must think boldly, act boldly, and be bold. We embrace risk-taking.


We are open-minded, but not dismayed by adversity. We pursue endeavors relentlessly because we are confident in our purpose.


Elevator Pitch

Scoir is a cloud-based college admissions network that connects families, high schools, and colleges on a common platform to expand college access and improve student outcomes. Colleges spend $9B each year marketing to high school students enticing them to apply and enroll. The vast majority of that spend is traditional marketing tactics like “name buys,” print mail, and events, which are ineffective in reaching 16 to 18 year olds. Scoir’s platform offers colleges a new engagement channel supported by actionable, data-driven insights to attract, engage, and convert students who are more likely to enroll, stay, and graduate.

Scoir is analogous to LinkedIn + eHarmony for college admissions.


Culture and Diversity

At Scoir, we value diversity in all of its forms. We are coders, designers, marketers, checklist operators… geeks, gamers, athletes, artists… we are an expanding group of talented individuals who really, really like making intuitive software that has the power to improve lives. We execute a focused strategy yet remain nimble to new opportunities. We are both opinionated and open-minded. We trust, respect, and value each other. We join forces to confront challenges and celebrate achievements, because success is a team sport.


Employee Resources Group

The Scoir Do Better Team exists to provide an outlet for those wishing to make a positive impact in the world.


Code of Conduct

The Scoir Code of Conduct is built around our belief that everything we do will be measured against the highest possible standards of ethical business conduct. Our commitment to high standards helps us hire great people, build great products, and attract loyal customers.

Click here to access the full Code of Conduct. Once each year, as a condition of your employment, you are required to acknowledge that you have received the Code of Conduct and understand its rules. New teammates will sign an acknowledgment when they start at Scoir.

If you exhibit behavior that violates commonly accepted standards of honesty and integrity or creates an appearance of impropriety, you may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Examples of inappropriate workplace behavior include, but are not limited to:

  • Working while under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol

  • Exhibiting rude or discourteous behavior toward others

  • Using offensive or abusive language

  • Knowingly providing false or misleading statements

  • Misrepresenting yourself, your authority, or your actions

  • Willfully or carelessly damaging, defacing, or mishandling property belonging to Scoir or its employees, contractors, or customers

  • Stealing, misappropriating, or possessing or using without prior authorization any property belonging to Scoir or to any of its employees, contractors, or customers

Harassment and Discrimination

Scoir values diversity in all forms. We are committed to providing a safe, respectful, and uplifting work environment and maintaining a culture that presents equal opportunity for all. Any claims of harassment, intimidation, or discrimination should be brought to the immediate attention of Kelly O’Brien at kobrien@scoir.com or, if the claim involves the Manager of People and Culture, then the President or Chief Executive Officer. Scoir shall investigate any such claims vigorously and shall afford zero tolerance toward any offending individuals.


Equal Opportunity Employer

Scoir values diversity in all forms. In compliance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 13988, and other federal, state, and local regulations, Scoir does not, and shall not tolerate employees who, discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, disability, or veteran status in any of its policies, practices, or procedures.


Social Media Use and Networking

You are entitled to have a personal life that is separate from your work life. With regards to social media, Scoir expects you to maintain a separation between your personal life and your work life. When accessing social media or any online networking for personal use, Scoir’s general policy is: Use good judgement and take responsibility for your actions.

While not an exhaustive list, here are more specific guidelines that reflect this general policy:

  • Do not use your Scoir email address to register any social media or other non-work-related accounts

  • Do not post images of the office, your work colleagues, or any work products that are not publicly available

  • Do not post any work-related opinions that could reflect negatively on Scoir, its employees, or its customers

  • Do not post anything that could reasonably be deemed to be abusive, defamatory, embarrassing, harassing, hateful, libelous, obscene, profane, or threatening

Whistle Blowing and Responsible Disclosure Policy

This Policy defines the process for responsible reporting and disclosure of risks, vulnerabilities, or policy violations discovered by internal or external entities. These entities can be anonymous if they choose to be and will face no repercussions for the disclosure of risks, vulnerabilities, or policy violations so long as they follow the rules of this Policy.



Scoir's Responsible Disclosure Policy applies to all of Scoir and to internal and contract employees, third-parties, or partners.



Scoir is committed to ensuring the safety and security of our customers and employees. We aim to foster an environment of trust, and an open partnership with the security community, and we recognize the importance of vulnerability disclosures and whistleblowers in continuing to ensure safety and security for all of our customers, employees, and company. We have developed this Policy to both reflect our corporate values and to uphold our legal responsibility to good-faith security researchers that are providing us with their expertise and whistleblowers who add an extra layer of security to our infrastructure.


Legal Posture

Scoir will not engage in legal action against individuals who submit vulnerability reports through our Vulnerability Reporting inbox (InfoSec@scoir.com) or Bug Bounty program and that follow the criteria below:

  • Engage in testing of systems/research without harming Scoir or its customers.

  • Engage in vulnerability testing within the scope of our vulnerability disclosure program.

  • Test on products without affecting customers, or receive permission/consent from customers before engaging in vulnerability testing against their devices/software, etc.

  • Adhere to the laws of their location and the location of Scoir.  For example, violating laws that would only result in a claim by Scoir (and not a criminal claim) may be acceptable as Scoir is authorizing the activity (reverse engineering or circumventing protective measures) to improve its system.

  • Refrain from disclosing vulnerability details to the public before a mutually agreed-upon timeframe expires.


Roles and Responsibilities

The Information Security Team is responsible for updating, reviewing, and maintaining this Policy.

Vulnerability Report/Disclosure

What we would like to see from you:

  • Reports that include proof-of-concept code equip us to better triage.

  • Reports that include only crash dumps or other automated tool output may receive lower priority

  • Reports that include products not on the initial scope list may receive lower priority

  • Please include how you found the bug, the impact, and any potential remediation

  • Please include any plans or intentions for public disclosure

What you can expect from Scoir:

  • A timely response to your email within 5 business days

  • After triage, we will send an expected timeline, and commit to being as transparent as possible about the remediation timeline as well as on issues or challenges that may extend it

  • An open dialog to discuss issues

  • Notification when the vulnerability analysis has completed each stage of our review

  • Credit after the vulnerability has been validated and fixed

If we are unable to resolve communication issues or other problems, Scoir may bring in a neutral third-party to assist in determining how best to handle the vulnerability.


Whistle Blowing

To anonymously (please see CAVEAT below) report an information security program violation or a violation of related laws and regulations, please utilize this form.

What we expect from you:

  • Detailed report made in good faith or based on a reasonable belief

    • Good Faith means the truthful reporting of a company-related violation of information security policies, procedures, or regulations, as opposed to a report made with reckless disregard or willful ignorance of facts

    • Reasonable Belief refers to the subjective belief in the truth of the disclosure AND that any reasonable person in a similar situation would objectively believe based on the facts

  • Details of the violation (i.e., what, how, why)

  • Details of the reported event, with facts (i.e., who, where, when)

  • You are NOT responsible for investigating the alleged violation, or for determining fault or corrective measures

What you can expect from Scoir:

  • Your report will be submitted to the Director of People and Culture for review

  • Protection of your identity and confidentiality

    • CAVEAT: It may be necessary for your identity to be disclosed when a thorough investigation, compliance with the law, or due process of accused members is required

  • Protection against any form of retaliation and harassment, such as termination, compensation decreases, or poor work assignments and threats of physical harm

    • If you believe that you are being retaliated against for any reason, please immediately contact Kelly O’Brien at kobrien@scoir.com

    • Any retaliation or harassment against you will result in disciplinary action for the responsible individual

      • CAVEAT: Your right for protection against retaliation does not include immunity for any personal wrongdoing alleged in the report and investigated

  • Due process for you and for the accused member(s)

  • Corrective actions taken to resolve a verified violation and a review and enhancement of applicable policies and procedures, if necessary or appropriate

  • Continuous information security awareness training and understanding your rights as a whistleblower


Town Halls

Please keep in mind that information shared within is meant for internal use only.

  • Click here to see the January 2023 Town Hall slide presentation

  • Click here to see the February 2023 Town Hall slide presentation


Brand Guidelines and Templates

Please reach out to Becky Torre, Senior Director, Product Marketing, at btorre@scoir.com if you have any questions about these guides.


Scoir New Hire Buddy Program

Bringing a new teammate onboard is both an exciting and a stressful time.  While managers play a critical role in shaping a new teammate’s first weeks and months, a broader team effort can ensure the experience is both positive and productive.

Microsoft piloted a Buddy Program with 600 employees across the organization and found that onboarding buddies help teammates in three critical ways:

  1. Providing context that will not be found in policies or technical trainings, shedding light onto cultural norms

  2. Boosting productivity by providing an additional layer of support

  3. Improving new teammate satisfaction

The purpose of a Buddy Program is to help teammates understand their roles and the company they work for, which may significantly cut losses.  As such, beyond orientation, the Buddy Program can also be used as a technique for knowledge sharing and cross-training.


Buddy Match

The Buddy Program is a voluntary program.  Those who volunteer to be a buddy will be assigned one by your manager and the People Operations team based on personality fit, team, and tenure.  You will be assigned your buddy prior to their first day.


The Buddy Program IS

A buddy provides moral support during the first few crucial weeks by introducing the new teammate to other Scoir teammates and by showing them around their new workplace (where applicable).

Buddies should have the skills and knowledge to perform the following types of tasks:

  • Teaching or tutoring, such as explaining unfamiliar tasks

  • Socializing the new teammate on Scoir’s guidelines, norms, culture, and unwritten policies

  • Sharing insights on how things are done at Scoir

  • Involving the new teammate in social or informal activities, such as lunch, coffee chats, etc

The Buddy Program IS NOT

A buddy is not a substitute for the supervisor or mentor.  The buddy is available to answer relatively straightforward questions about operational issues.  This is in contrast to a coach who seeks to increase the new teammate’s job-specific performance, or a mentor who is focused on personal and professional development.


General Guidelines

There are no “required” number of check-ins with your buddy.  This relationship is meant to be one that is mutually established and organically evolves.  However, we do encourage regular dialogue to ensure full support is provided.  For example, you should meet with your buddy on their first day.  Set a cadence to check-in with them every day or every few days their first two weeks.  Then, slowly move to twice a week and then once a week.  Some relationships continue on a monthly basis after the 90-day period.

You may choose whichever medium you and your buddy prefer to connect (phone call, video call, Slack conversations, etc.).

Below, please find a checklist which includes suggested topics of conversations.


Time Frame

Our hope is that the Buddy Program will last 90 days, but we encourage you to continue the relationship beyond that. 



Our Prior to their first day:

  • Send buddy a welcome email introducing yourself as their buddy

  • Ensure you have scheduled the first chat on their first day

  • Learn more about them by checking out their LinkedIn if you would like

Day one:

  • Conduct your virtual check-in and determine cadence of future check-ins

  • Answer any questions that they have and Slack them throughout the day

First few days/weeks:

  • Help provide introductions to teammates (new teammates schedule coffee chats with Scoir leaders after watching their introduction video in Loom)

  • Ensure your buddy is aware of Slack channels (fun and professional)

End of 90 days:

  • Ensure your buddy is set up for success and offer to continue the relationship, perhaps checking in on a monthly basis


Suggested Topics of Conversation

  1. Tell them about yourself and your background (personally and professionally)

  2. Learn about their background and career goals (motivations, certifications, etc.)

  3. Discuss Scoir culture (things they may not pick up in formalized meetings)

  4. Discuss your role at Scoir and ways your role could collaborate with their role

  5. Brainstorm new ideas or creative ways to engage at Scoir

  6. Ensure they are grasping everything they are learning

  7. Help them get to know other teammates, peers, etc.

  8. Discuss the changing environment of Higher Ed and resources available


Job Bands and Equity Levels

Click here to review leveling, titles, and expectations.


Time Off Policies

The following is a list of Scoir time off policies.

Paid Time Off

Working at Scoir can sometimes be arduous and stressful. We understand and want to make sure people don’t get burnt out. So, to promote the general health and well-being of our team members while providing flexibility for any unforeseen emergencies and family circumstance, Scoir offers full-time employees the opportunity to take as much paid time off (“PTO”) as each individual deems appropriate. You don’t need to accrue PTO days and the number of PTO days available to you is not limited by the calendar or your length of time with the company. This policy does, however, include certain caveats:

  • With the exception of illnesses, emergencies, and other unforeseeable circumstances, Scoir requires a 2-for-1 notice period, meaning you must request time off at least 2 full business days in advance for each workday you intend to take off.

  • Planned PTO is subject to the needs of the business. Your absence cannot jeopardize our ability to meet company obligations, client needs, or team deadlines. Therefore, you should discuss your plans for taking PTO with your manager prior to finalizing any travel or other arrangements.

  • PTO under this policy cannot be taken as an extension of, or in lieu of, the company’s Parental Leave, Maternity Leave, or any other leave and time off policy.

  • Utilizing this paid time-off policy does not relieve you from meeting your general work obligations and performance expectations. Be sure to delegate, postpone, or otherwise manage projects and tasks in your absence.

Rule and Procedures

Requesting Planned Paid Time Off

Request PTO, for both full days and partial days, through Gusto for management planning and record-keeping purposes. An advance conversation with your manager is strongly recommended for PTO periods greater than 3 days.

Approving/Rejecting Paid Time Off Requests

Managers may reject PTO requests if:

  • other team members with similar or complementary duties have already requested paid time off during the same period.

  • the PTO period requested is too busy or includes an important business deadline.

Managers cannot reject PTO requests to:

  • discipline employees.

  • force employees to fulfill duties that aren’t urgent.

  • approve the PTO request of another employee who made a later request.

Paid Time Off Due to Illness, Emergency, or Other Unforeseeable Circumstance

As soon as practicable,

  • notify your manager by phone, text, or Slack about the fact that you're taking PTO and provide your best estimate about the duration of your absence.

  • request paid time off (in arrears) through Gusto for record-keeping purposes


This policy is not, and may not be construed to be, a contract between Scoir and any of its employees. This policy does not in any way impact the “at will” nature of your employment relationship between Scoir. The company reserves the right to change this policy at any time in any way, with or without notice.

Any abuse of this policy that results in your failure to meet work obligations, expectations, and professional standards may subject you to performance counseling and/or discipline, up to and including termination.

No one shall be entitled to any payments for PTO under this policy upon her/his cessation of employment with Scoir.

As is the case with all company policies, Scoir management retains the exclusive right to interpret this Paid-Time-Off policy in the event of any disagreement or ambiguity.

Paid Scoir Holidays

The following days are official company holidays. Unless exceptional circumstances require otherwise, no team members are required to work on these dates.

  • Presidents' Day (Third Monday in February)

  • Spring Break (the Friday before the first Sunday following the 14th day of the lunar month beginning on or just after March 21, which some refer to as Good Friday or the Friday of Passover)

  • Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)

  • Juneteenth (June 19th or, if a Saturday, the Friday immediately preceding it, if a Sunday, the Monday immediately following it)

  • Independence Day (4th of July or, if a Saturday, the Friday immediately preceding it, a Sunday, the Monday immediately following it)

  • Labor Day (First Monday in September)

  • Thanksgiving (Fourth Thursday in November)

  • Day after Thanksgiving (Fourth Friday in November)

  • Winter Break (December 24th through January 2nd)

Days falling immediately prior to long weekends are generally light working days and, if traveling, you are encouraged to knock off early to get out ahead of traffic.

Parental Leave

We think it’s vital for new parents to have adequate time to care for and bond with their child. In support of this, Scoir offers new parents 3 weeks (15 work days) of paid parental leave (“Parental Leave”), subject to the following terms and conditions.


Rule and Procedures


To be eligible for Parental Leave, you must meet each of the following criteria:

  • You are a biological parent of a newborn child, a legal parent of a newly adopted child who is not the biological child of your spouse or partner, or a temporary caregiver of a child placed with you under a foster care program. (Any one of these instances is considered a “Qualifying Event.”)

  • You have been employed by Scoir on a continuous, full-time basis for at least 12 months prior to the Qualifying Event.

  • You have not taken any Parental Leave under this policy in the past 12-month period.


Eligible employees will be eligible for 15 work days of Parental Leave per Qualifying Event. A multiple birth, adoption, or placement (e.g., birth of twins, adoption of siblings) does not increase the duration of eligible Parental Leave for that Qualifying Event.

Eligibility Period

Parental Leave may be taken at any time during the seven-month period immediately following a Qualifying Event (“Eligibility Period”). Parental Leave may not be taken after or extend beyond this seven-month Eligibility Period.

Parental Leave Period

Parental Leave must be taken as one continuous period of time, unless otherwise agreed with your manager in writing and shared with the People Team during the Eligibility Period.


During your Parental Leave period, the company will pay 100% of your regular salary and all company-provided benefits for which you are enrolled. Salary payments during Parental Leave will occur on regularly scheduled pay dates.

Requesting Parental Leave

Submit a written request for Parental Leave to your manager and the People Team no less than 30 days prior to your expected commencement of Parental Leave or, if the need for Parental Leave was not foreseeable, as soon as possible. You must provide any documentation that the People Team may reasonably request to substantiate your eligibility for Parental Leave.


Coordination with Other Policies and Benefits

Parental Leave Policy

Parental Leave may be taken consecutively with any Maternity Leave to which you may be eligible.

Family and Medical Leave Policy

Parental Leave taken under this policy will run concurrently with any statutory leave entitlement under the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”). Any Parental Leave taken under this policy that falls under the FMLA definition of circumstances qualifying for leave due to the birth or placement of a child due to adoption or foster care will be counted as part of the 12 weeks of leave entitlement under FMLA. All other requirements and provisions of FMLA will apply. In no case will the total amount of leave - paid or unpaid - taken for a single Qualifying Event exceed 12 weeks. Please refer to the Family and Medical Leave Policy for further guidance on FMLA.

If you take Parental Leave under this policy but do not qualify for leave under FMLA, you will be afforded the same level of job protection during your Parental Leave period as you would receive if you were taking FMLA-qualifying leave.

Paid Time Off Policy

Parental Leave may not be used in conjunction with paid time off taken under the company’s Paid Time Off Policy.

Disability Insurance Benefits

Parental Leave cannot be used during the “elimination period” of any short-term disability, long-term disability, or other state-provided benefit.



Any unused Parental Leave will be forfeited at the end of the Eligibility Period. You will not be entitled to any payments for unused Parental Leave under this policy upon cessation of your employment with Scoir. As is the case with all company policies, Scoir management retains the exclusive right to interpret this Parental Leave Policy in the event of any disagreement or ambiguity.

Maternity (Childbirth) Leave

Scoir offers 3 weeks (15 work days) of paid maternity leave to support recovery or preparation for childbirth. Maternity leave may be taken prior to delivery or following childbirth, or split between the two.


Rule and Procedures


Employees giving birth who, prior to giving birth, have been employed by Scoir on a continuous, full-time basis for at least 12 months will be eligible for paid Maternity Leave under this policy.


Eligible employees may take up to 15 work days of paid Maternity Leave per childbirth. A multiple birth does not increase the duration of eligible Maternity Leave for that qualifying event.

Eligibility Period

Maternity Leave may be taken in whole or in part either before or after childbirth, or in combination, provided that Maternity Leave does not begin more than 2 weeks prior to the expected delivery date and does not extend beyond the 12th week following childbirth.


During Maternity Leave, the company will pay 100% of your regular salary and all company-provided benefits for which you are enrolled. Salary payments during Maternity Leave will occur on regularly scheduled pay dates.

Requesting Maternity Leave

Submit a written request for Maternity Leave to your manager and the People Team no less than 30 days prior to your expected commencement of Maternity Leave or, if the need for Maternity Leave was not foreseeable, as soon as possible. You must provide any documentation that the People Team may reasonably request to substantiate your eligibility for Maternity Leave.


Coordination with Other Policies and Benefits

Maternity Leave Policy

Maternity Leave may be taken consecutively with any Parental Leave to which you may be eligible.

Family and Medical Leave Policy

Maternity Leave taken under this policy will run concurrently with any statutory leave entitlement under the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”). Any Maternity Leave taken under this policy that falls under the FMLA definition of circumstances qualifying for leave due to the birth or placement of a child due to adoption or foster care will be counted as part of the 12 weeks of leave entitlement under FMLA. All other requirements and provisions of FMLA will apply. Please refer to the Family and Medical Leave Policy for further guidance on FMLA.

Paid Time Off Policy

Maternity Leave may not be used in conjunction with paid time off taken under the company’s Paid Time Off Policy.

Disability Insurance Benefits

Maternity Leave cannot be used during the “elimination period” of any short-term disability, long-term disability, or other state-provided benefit. While on short-term-disability, employees will still receive company benefits. Upon completion of disability pay, the missed premium payments will be deducted from maternity/parental leave pay.



Any unused Maternity Leave will be forfeited at the end of the eligibility period. You will not be entitled to any payments for unused Maternity Leave under this policy upon cessation of your employment with Scoir. As is the case with all company policies, Scoir management retains the exclusive right to interpret this Maternity Leave Policy in the event of any disagreement or ambiguity.

Bereavement Leave

You may take up to five (5) days of paid leave due to the death of a family member or someone else close to you. Simply let your direct manager know about the days you plan to be absent from work.


Voting Leave

You may take as much time as you need to vote in any local, state, or federal election.


Jury Duty Leave

If you’re called for jury duty, the company will provide you with paid time off to report and serve. However, if your absence from work would create a hardship for the company, the company may ask you to request postponement of your jury service. Please advise your direct manager as soon as you receive a summons or notice of jury duty and discuss the timing before committing.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Scoir will grant family and medical leave in accordance with the requirements of applicable state and federal law in effect at the time the leave is granted. Although the federal and state laws sometimes have different names, Scoir refers to these types of leaves collectively as “FMLA Leave.” In any case, employees will be eligible for the most generous benefits available under applicable law.


Employee Eligibility

To be eligible for FMLA Leave benefits, you must: (1) have worked for Scoir for a total of at least 12 months; (2) have worked at least 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months as of the start of the leave; and (3) work at a location where at least 50 employees are employed by Scoir within 75 miles, as of the date the leave is requested.


Reasons for Leave

State and federal laws allow FMLA Leave for various reasons. Because an employee’s rights and obligations may vary depending upon the reason for the FMLA Leave, it is important to identify the purpose or reason for the leave. FMLA Leave may be used for one of the following reasons, in addition to any reason covered by an applicable state family/medical leave law:

(1) the birth, adoption, or foster care of an employee's child within 12 months following birth or placement of the child (“Bonding Leave”);

(2) to care for an immediate family member (spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition (“Family Care Leave”);

(3) an employee’s inability to work because of a serious health condition (“Serious Health Condition Leave”);

(4) a “qualifying exigency,” as defined under the FMLA, arising from a spouse’s, child’s, or parent’s “covered active duty” (as defined below) as a member of the military reserves, National Guard or Armed Forces (“Military Emergency Leave”); or

(5) to care for a spouse, child, parent or next of kin (nearest blood relative) who is a “Covered Service Member,” as defined below (“Military Caregiver Leave”).



“Child,” for purposes of Bonding Leave and Family Care Leave, means a biological, adopted, or foster child, a stepchild, a legal ward, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis, who is either under age 18, or age 18 or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability at the time that Family and Medical Leave is to commence. “Child,” for purposes of Military Emergency Leave and Military Caregiver Leave, means a biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, legal ward, or a child for whom the person stood in loco parentis, and who is of any age.

“Parent,” for purposes of this policy, means a biological, adoptive, step or foster father or mother, or any other individual who stood in loco parentis to the person. This term does not include parents “in law.” For Military Emergency leave taken to provide care to a parent of a military member, the parent must be incapable of self care, as defined by the FMLA.

“Covered Active Duty” means (1) in the case of a member of a regular component of the Armed Forces, duty during the deployment of the member with the Armed Forces to a foreign country; and (2) in the case of a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces, duty during the deployment of the member with the Armed Forces to a foreign country under a call or order to active duty (or notification of an impending call or order to active duty) in support of a contingency operation as defined by applicable law.

“Covered Service Member” means (1) a member of the Armed Forces, including a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces, who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status, or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness incurred or aggravated in the line of duty while on active duty that may render the individual medically unfit to perform his or her military duties, or (2) a person who, during the five (5) years prior to the treatment necessitating the leave, served in the active military, Naval, or Air Service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable (a “veteran” as defined by the Department of Veteran Affairs), and who has a qualifying injury or illness incurred or aggravated in the line of duty while on active duty that manifested itself before or after the member became a veteran.


Length of Leave

The maximum amount of FMLA Leave will be twelve (12) workweeks in any 12-month period when the leave is taken for: (1) Bonding Leave; (2) Family Care Leave; (3) Serious Health Condition Leave; and/or (4) Military Emergency Leave. However, if both spouses work for Scoir and are eligible for leave under this policy, the spouses will be limited to a total of 12 work weeks off between the two of them when the leave is for Bonding Leave or to care for a parent using Family Care Leave. The applicable 12- month period utilized by Scoir is a rolling backward 12-month period. Under this method, the 12-month period is measured backward from the day an employee uses any FMLA leave.

The maximum amount of FMLA Leave for an employee wishing to take Military Caregiver Leave will be a combined leave total of twenty-six (26) workweeks in a single 12-month period. A "single 12-month period" begins on the date of your first use of such leave and ends 12 months after that date.

If both spouses work for and are eligible for leave under this policy, the spouses will be limited to a total of 26 workweeks off between the two when the leave is for Military Caregiver Leave only or is for a combination of Military Caregiver Leave, Bonding Leave and/or Family Care Leave taken to care for a parent.

Under some circumstances, you may take FMLA Leave intermittently—which means taking leave in blocks of time, or by reducing your normal weekly or daily work schedule. Leave taken intermittently may be taken in increments of no less one hour increments. Employees who take leave intermittently or on a reduced work schedule basis for planned medical treatment must make a reasonable effort to schedule the leave so as not to unduly disrupt Phenom People’s operations. Please contact the HR Department prior to scheduling planned medical treatment. If FMLA Leave is taken intermittently or on a reduced schedule basis due to foreseeable planned medical treatment, Scoir may require you to transfer temporarily to an available alternative position with an equivalent pay rate and benefits, including a part-time position, to better accommodate recurring periods of leave.

As discussed more generally below, if your request for intermittent leave is approved, Scoir may later require you to obtain recertifications of your need for leave. For example, Scoir may request recertification if it receives information that casts doubt on your report that an absence qualifies for FMLA Leave.


Notice and Certification

Bonding, Family Care, Serious Health Condition, and Military Caregiver Leave

An employee is required to provide:

  • when the need for the leave is foreseeable, 30 days advance notice or such notice as is both possible and practical if the leave must begin in less than 30 days (normally this would be the same day the employee becomes aware of the need for leave or the next business day);

  • when the need for leave is not foreseeable, notice within the time prescribed by Scoir’s normal absence reporting policy, unless unusual circumstances prevent compliance, in which case notice is required as soon as is otherwise possible and practical;

  • when the leave relates to medical issues, a completed Certification of Health-Care Provider form within 15 calendar days (for Military Caregiver Leave, an invitational travel order or invitational travel authorization may be submitted in lieu of a Certification of Health-Care Provider form);

  • periodic recertification (upon request); and

  • periodic reports during the leave.

At Scoir’s expense, it may also require a second or third medical opinion regarding your own serious health condition or the serious health condition of your family member. In some cases, Scoir may require a second or third opinion regarding the injury or illness of a “Covered Service Member.” Employees are expected to cooperate with Scoir in obtaining additional medical opinions that Scoir may require.

When leave is for planned medical treatment, you must try to schedule treatment so as not to unduly disrupt Scoir’s operation. Please contact the People Team prior to scheduling planned medical treatment.

Recertifications After Grant of Leave

In addition to the requirements listed above, if your FMLA Leave is certified, Scoir may later require medical recertification in connection with an absence that you report as qualifying for FMLA Leave. For example, Scoir may request recertification if (1) the employee requests an extension of leave; (2) the circumstances of the employee’s condition as described by the previous certification change significantly (e.g., your absences deviate from the duration or frequency set forth in the previous certification; your condition becomes more severe than indicated in the original certification; you encounter complications); or (3)Scoir receives information that casts doubt upon your stated reason for the absence. In addition, Scoir may request recertification in connection with an absence after six months have passed since your original certification, regardless of the estimated duration of the serious health condition necessitating the need for leave. Any recertification requested by Scoir shall be at the employee’s expense.

Military Emergency Leave

An employee is required to provide:

  • as much advance notice as is reasonable and practicable under the circumstances;

  • a copy of the covered military member's active duty orders when the employee requests leave and/or documentation (such as Rest and Recuperation leave orders) issued by the military setting forth the dates of the military member’s leave; and

  • a completed Certification of Qualifying Exigency form within 15 calendar days, unless unusual circumstances exist to justify providing the form at a later date.

Failure to Provide Certification and to Return from Leave

Absent unusual circumstances, failure to comply with these notice and certification requirements may result in a delay or denial of the leave. If you fail to return to work at your leave’s expiration and have not obtained an extension of the leave, Scoir may presume that you do not plan to return to work and have voluntarily terminated your employment.


Compensation During Leave

Generally, FMLA Leave is unpaid. However, you may be eligible to receive benefits through State- sponsored wage-replacement benefit programs. All such payments will be integrated so that you will receive no more than your regular compensation during this period. The use of paid benefits will not extend the length of a FMLA Leave.


Benefits During Leave

Scoir will continue making contributions for your group health benefits during your leave on the same terms as if you had continued to work. This means that if you want your benefits coverage to continue during your leave, you must also continue to make any premium payments that you are now required to make for yourself or your dependents. Employees taking Bonding Leave, Family Care Leave, Serious Health Condition Leave, and Military Emergency Leave will generally be provided with group health benefits for a 12 work week period. Employees taking Military Caregiver Leave may be eligible to receive group health benefits coverage for up to a maximum of 26 workweeks. In some instances, Scoir may recover premiums it paid to maintain health coverage if you fail to return to work following a FMLA Leave.

Your length of service as of the leave will remain intact, but accrued benefits such as vacation and sick leave will not accrue while on an unpaid FMLA Leave.


Job Reinstatement

Under most circumstances, you will be reinstated to the same position held at the time of the leave or to an equivalent position with equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms and conditions. However, you have no greater right to reinstatement than if you had been continuously employed rather than on leave. For example, if you would have been laid off had you not gone on leave, or if your position has been eliminated during the leave, then you will not be entitled to reinstatement.

Prior to being allowed to return to work, an employee wishing to return from a Serious Health Condition Leave must submit an acceptable release from a health care provider that certifies the employee can perform the essential functions of the job as those essential functions relate to the employee's serious health condition. For an employee on intermittent FMLA leave, such a release may be required if reasonable safety concerns exist regarding the employee’s ability to perform his or her duties, based on the serious health condition for which the employee took the intermittent leave. Employer has the option of choosing to require a simple statement of ability to return to work. “Key employees,” as defined by law, may be subject to reinstatement limitations in some circumstances. If you are a “key employee,” you will be notified of the possible limitations on reinstatement at the time you request a leave.


Fraudulent Use of FMLA Prohibited

An employee who fraudulently obtains FMLA Leave from Scoir is not protected by the FMLA’s job restoration or maintenance of health benefits provisions. In addition, Scoir will take all available appropriate disciplinary action against such employee due to such fraud.


Compensation and Benefits

Click here for current Scoir Total Rewards overview.



Payroll occurs semi-monthly on the 15th and last business day of each month. When the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payroll occurs on the nearest preceding business day. Pay statements are made available in Gusto on each payday. Tax forms are made available in Gusto on or about January 31st each year. You can view/modify direct deposit details and income tax withholding amounts in Gusto. Please note that payroll is typically processed 3 business days before each payday, so changes made after such dates may be reflected in the following payroll period. If you have any questions or concerns about your pay or note any abnormalities on a pay statement or tax form, please notify Kelly O’Brien at kobrien@scoir.com.


Benefits Overview

One of our biggest priorities is helping you and your family thrive. We’re committed to supporting your happiness, healthiness and overall wellbeing by providing a comprehensive benefits program.



The benefits you are eligible for are available on each page within the Benefits site. The following family members are also generally eligible for medical, dental, vision, and life insurance coverage: your spouse or qualifying domestic partner (DP); your children and your spouse/DP's children under age 26; your children and your spouse/DP's children older than age 26 (if they are solely dependent on you due to mental or physical disability).


Important Legal Disclosures

You are being provided health and welfare benefit plan legal notices in electronic format in your benefits site.  You can also access them on your smartphone via the Sequoia mobile app.  If you would prefer to receive hard copies, please contact our HR/benefits department, and they will be provided free of charge.  You may also opt-out of receiving these documents electronically at any time by providing our HR/benefits department with notice. Example notices that are bring provided to you:

  • Premium Assistance under Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP): Lists the states in which CHIP premium assistance is available. 

  • Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act (WHCRA): Provides that group health plans that provide mastectomy coverage must also cover certain post-mastectomy benefits.

  • Statement of Rights under the Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act: Discusses protections for mothers and their newborns regarding the length of hospital stay following birth.

  • Notice of HIPAA Special Enrollment Rights: Reviews additional opportunities for employees to enroll in a group health plan if they experience a loss of coverage or certain life events.

  • Notice of HIPAA Privacy Practices: Describes your right to be informed of the privacy practices of our health plans and your

When to Enroll

You are eligible to enroll based on your new hire enrollment period. Please review your plan documents (including your summary plan description) for more information about eligibility requirements.  Aside from the annual open enrollment and new hire period, the only other time you can make changes to your healthcare benefits is if you have a qualifying life event (QLE).  A QLE may include but is not limited to, marriage or divorce, the birth or adoption of a child, a gain or loss of coverage, or a loss of dependent status (i.e., turning 26 years old).

Learn more about qualifying life events (QLE).


How to Enroll

Enroll in Benefits through Gusto (within 30 days following your 1st day at Scoir; during Open Enrollment (February) or within 39 days of a Qualified Life Event).


Benefits Guidebook

Click here to view the Scoir 2023-2024 Employee Benefits Enrollment Guidebook.



Click here to download the FMLA form.

Click here to download the Short Term Disability Claim form.


Travel and Expenses

Scoir does not expect anyone to ever bear the cost of work-related travel or other expenses. The preferred method of paying for work expenses is to use a Scoir-issued Capital One credit card. If your role is likely to involve regular travel expenses, you should request a Scoir credit card from Kevin McCloskey, President, at kevin@scoir.com. Otherwise, you should request your manager to use a Scoir credit card to pay for your business expenses.

In the event that use of a Scoir credit card is not practical or possible, you should collect receipts of any business expenses you incur and submit scans of those along with an Expense Reimbursement Claim Form to finance@scoir.com. In most cases, your expenses will be reimbursed in the next payroll.

Note: All significant business-related expenses should be approved in writing by your manager in advance of being incurred. Minor expenses, such as the cost of a recruiting lunch, do not require advance approval. As a general rule of thumb, use your best judgement.


Scoir-Provided Equipment

Scoir will provide you with the equipment (including laptop computer) and systems access necessary for you to perform your job function. If any Scoir-issued equipment breaks or malfunctions, we will repair or replace it at no charge to you, provided the cause is not due to your negligence. You must return your laptop computer in good working order at the conclusion of your employment with Scoir.

We have partnered with Amazon Business to supply additional equipment that will allow you to perform your job in a more comfortable way at your home office. The stipend per person is $250 and is available by contacting Kelly O’Brien at kobrien@scoir.com.


Virtual Office Environment

Your virtual office location should be generally quiet and free of distractions, though we understand that home offices are shared with family members and pets. We’d prefer you work from your home rather than a Starbucks or some other public place. When working remotely from a virtual office, you must have reliable high speed internet connectivity to meet the demands of your work.


Dress Code

Regardless of where you work, you should feel free to dress in any attire that makes you productive, provided that your attire is not offensive or distracting. Your colleagues shall be the arbiters of what is deemed “offensive” or “distracting.”  When representing Scoir externally, such as to customers, partners, prospects, and suppliers, your personal appearance should create an impression of professionalism that positively reflects our company and culture.


Employment Verification

All requests for employment verification should be referred to Kelly O’Brien at kobrien@scoir.com.

With your verified consent, Scoir may share your:

  • Dates of employment

  • Job title

  • Salary history (when appropriate, such as for a mortgage application)

  • Probability of continued employment

References and Recommendations

All requests for work references must be referred to Kelly O’Brien at kobrien@scoir.com. Any personal reference or recommendation provided by an employee must conspicuously state that it’s being provided on an individual basis and not being provided by or on behalf of Scoir.


Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9 and E-Verify)

Federal law requires Scoir to verify your identity and eligibility to work in the U.S. within 3 days of your start date. You’ll need to complete IRS Form I-9 and provide the documents required to establish your identity and employment eligibility.


Background Checks

Scoir is a provider of services to high schools and, to enable our provision of those services, our employees have various levels of access to personally identifiable information of students and portions of their education records. As such, this makes Scoir and its employees subject to a multitude of federal, state, and local regulations governing the protection of student data. A common requirement of these regulations, which is stipulated in our High School Terms of Service, is that “all employees with access to ‘Student Records’ shall, where permissible by law, be subject to criminal background checks."

In order to comply with these regulations and our terms of service, all Scoir employees must consent to periodic background checks against national and state criminal records and sex offender registries as a condition of their employment.

A person’s eligibility for employment with Scoir is not automatically disqualified if issues are discovered during a background check. Management will consider the severity of such issues and the associated risks to the nature of Scoir’s business when making any disqualification determination.


Job Classifications

Scoir follows these employment categories: 

  • Full-time employees are those individuals who, on average, work at least 30 hours per week hours per week in a role intended to be of permanent duration; Full-time employees are eligible for all of the benefits offered by Scoir. 

  • Part-time employees are those individuals who, on average, work fewer than 30 hours per week. Part-time employees may be eligible for some benefits.

  • Consultants are those individuals who are engaged for a limited period of time or to complete a specific scope of work. Consultants are not eligible for any Scoir benefits.

  • Interns/Co-Ops are those individuals who are employed for a limited period of time, primarily in a training role. Interns/Co-Ops are not eligible for any Scoir benefits.

At-Will Notice

Your employment with Scoir is “at-will.” This means that you have not been hired for a specified duration and that either you or Scoir can terminate your employment with or without cause at any time for any lawful reason, or for no reason, and with or without prior notice. Your at-will employment status can only be changed by a written agreement signed by both you and an authorized officer of Scoir.


Positions, Responsibilities, and Titles

Scoir reserves the right to change your title; modify your position, responsibilities, and/or job description; and/or transfer you to a different business team or department as business needs dictate. Scoir will make reasonable efforts, but shall not be obligated, to consult with you prior to enacting any such changes.


Personal Records

Scoir maintains a personnel file for each employee, which includes information we’re required to keep by federal and/or state law. Documents in your personnel file include your:

  • Offer letter

  • Confidentiality and IP Rights Agreement

  • Employee direct deposit authorization (when applicable)

  • IRS Form W-4

  • IRS Form I-9

  • IRS Form W-2 or IRS Form 1099 (as applicable) 

  • Salary history with Scoir

  • Background checks

  • Code of Conduct Agreement

Important: If your name, address, marital status, or other personal information changes, you’ll need to update your employee profile in Gusto so that we can make any adjustments necessary to your pay and/or benefits.


Employee Accommodations

Scoir will make reasonable accommodations to support breastfeeding mothers, persons with disabilities, and the practice of one’s religion or sincerely held ethical or moral beliefs. A “reasonable accommodation” is any adjustment to a position or work environment that enables an employee to perform his or her essential job functions without causing Scoir undue hardship. If you wish to request an accommodation, please contact Kelly O’Brien, kobrien@scoir.com. 


Business Hours

Scoir’s business hours are 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.


Employee Work Hours

Each employee’s work hours need not align with the company’s business hours, but all employees must be available to attend any business meetings scheduled during business hours. Employees’ individual work hours are based on their location, role, and personal circumstances and shall be determined in consultation with their direct managers. Individual works hours are subject to change based on the needs of Scoir.



You are expected to be generally available during the work hours agreed between you and your manager. You’re also expected (and encouraged) to take breaks for eating, exercise, personal matters, and general health and wellbeing. If you expect to be inaccessible during your work hours for a period of 2 hours or more, you must let your manager know in advance by requesting paid time off.


Professional Ethics


Outside Business Activities

During your full-time employment with Scoir, you may not be employed by, engage in paid consulting work for, or otherwise provide fee-bearing services to, entities other than Scoir.


Conflicts of Interest

You are to avoid dealings with business contacts, vendors, clients, or prospects where you or Scoir have, or may reasonably appear to have, a conflict of interest. You may not use your position with Scoir for personal profit or advantage, or enter into transactions or relationships where you or members of your family may improperly benefit from your affiliation with Scoir.



To honor our operating principle of Transparency, we will share with you Confidential Information that you must protect and keep secret. The term “Confidential Information” means all information, whether disclosed in oral, written, electronic, or any other form, pertaining to the strategies, processes, systems, methods, policies, programs, procedures, clients, software, products, and services of the current and future business and operations of Scoir. Confidential Information also includes all information that, because of the circumstances of its disclosure or the nature of the information itself, reasonably should be understood to be proprietary and confidential to Scoir, regardless of whether such information is marked “Confidential”, together with notes, analyses, compilations, forecasts, studies, memoranda or other documents that contain or otherwise reflect such information.

While your obligations of confidentiality are detailed in the Non-Disclosure and Intellectual Property Rights Agreement you signed upon joining Scoir, a good general guideline to follow is this: If the information is NOT published on the Scoir website or otherwise available to the general public, you should NOT disclose it to anyone.



All employees are forbidden to promise, offer, or give anything of material value (+$100) to any current or former employee of any customer or prospective customer. Many public schools have strict policies preventing officials from receiving, accepting, or failing to report the offering of such gifts. We do not want to risk putting customers or prospective customers in awkward situations nor do we want to create the appearance of any possible impropriety.



Employees may not, without prior CEO approval, receive or accept anything of value exceeding $500 from any current or prospective customer, vendor, or candidate for employment in connection with any Scoir action or transaction.


Leaving Scoir?

Moving on? We’ll be sorry to see you go! Please consider providing a minimum of two (2) weeks written notice to the director of people of your intent to resign.


Continuation of Benefits

Under the federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) and state law, you may be able to continue your current health, dental, and vision insurance benefits, at your own expense, after your voluntary or involuntary separation from Scoir. After your separation date, you will receive details about COBRA coverage in the mail and you will have a limited amount of time to elect such coverage, so make sure your home mailing address in Gusto is current prior to your departure.


Return of Equipment

On or after your final day at Scoir, you will receive a QR code to your personal email (from Electric.AI) to scan at a UPS Store. They will box up and ship your laptop back to Electric.AI at no cost to you. You must do this within 7 days of your departure from Scoir. In addition, you shall return all Scoir property in your possession or under your control, including, without limitation, tangible equipment, physical and electronic documents, software code, application licenses, and systems login credentials. You must also delete beyond reasonable recovery all electronic copies of such Scoir-provided property that reside on any non-Scoir equipment to which you have access.


Final Pay

All salary and other monies payable to you upon your separation from Scoir shall be paid via direct deposit on Scoir's next regularly scheduled payroll date, unless you request in writing to receive such final payment in the form of a physical check.



Scoir is headquartered in the heart of downtown West Chester:

5 W Gay Street

West Chester, PA 19380

If you have any questions about the content of this page, or about anything that is not covered, please contact Kelly O’Brien at kobrien@scoir.com.