What's New in Scoir

For Students: Early Decision Flexibility

Written by Valerie Russell | Dec 1, 2023 9:17:57 PM

We've made it easier for students to indicate which colleges they're considering to apply Early Decision. πŸš€

Let’s dive in!


Indicating Early Decision Intentions

Now, you can indicate that you're applying Early Decision to multiple colleges at once (so you, your parents or guardians, and your counselor can keep track)! When applying with Scoir, you can still only have 1 active Early Decision application at a time, but this update allows for better flexibility and a more accurate reflection of your applications in My Colleges.

We hope this helps you and your counselor stay organized during the college application process, whether you Apply with Scoir or through other methods!

For more information on applying Early Decision, check out these articles next:

TL;DR: It's easier to indicate which colleges you're considering to apply Early Decision. πŸ’™


And that’s a wrap! 

Share your feedback! We're all ears πŸ‘‚