What's New in Scoir

For Students & Counselors: Scattergram Enhancements

Written by Valerie Russell | Mar 27, 2023 4:54:08 PM

Check out the latest updates to Scattergrams for both the student and counselor experience!

We're improving Application Outcomes and Scattergrams

Over the last few months, we’ve made great strides to improve application outcome reporting by adding Test Optional indicators and additional outcomes

Now, we’ve released a more robust Scattergram experience 🚀

What are Scattergrams? 

Scattergrams provide valuable insights into the likelihood of acceptance at the colleges a student follows.

At a glance, Scattergrams show historical admission decisions using alumni GPAs and other application outcomes. They’re unique to every high school because results are powered by collecting prior students' outcomes

Not all high schools use Scattergrams based on their individual policies. For schools that do take advantage of Scattergrams (or want to!), see what’s new 👉 

A fresh look for Scattergrams

We've made it even easier to view and customize Scattergrams! 

Before, in the counselor experience, you customized results using toggles in the upper left. On the right, historical results were listed and you could view the heatmap as well as set application type.

Previous experience in Scattergrams

Now, you'll see a cleaner design with dropdown filters in the top left. Above the Scattergram, average data points for GPA, test scores, and acceptance rate can be viewed at a glance. Below it, you'll find historical application data and popular colleges at your high school. 

New experience in Scattergrams

Check out the new table view 👀

Counselors and students can switch between a plot view and table view. You'll also see additional outcomes like Test Optional listed as data points. 

Always improving based on your feedback!

We truly hope you enjoy these changes based on counselor feedback! We encourage you to keep sharing. 

Let us know your thoughts about the direction we’re taking Outcomes & Scattergrams by filling out our Feedback Form.